Saturday, June 7, 2008


So yesterday I went and had my ultrasound and found out what gender the baby will be. Can you guess. Well, it is a GIRL. We are excited it didn't really matter to Phyl and I. Either way we are just excited that it is so far healthy and ok. I am finally feeling better, as far as the morning sickness goes but now I have all the aches and pains that go along with pregnancy. I think that it may be a long summer for me.

To Randy and Adrienne: we are missing you guys alot but I hope things are going well.

Hannah and Ethan have been doing t-ball I will put some pictures up soon. Phyl has been going to Phoenix to get hay about every week for the last 4 weeks. I think that he is getting really tired of it . Phyl just got back from New Mexico. He went with Uncle Pete and my dad. These two guys are the worlds biggest junk lovers. They came back with all kinds of things. He is really glad that he got back to Bicknell, with those two they could have been gone for another couple of days and been really happy.


Adrienne said...

thanks for missing us. we miss you guys too. but sheesh we have to find out it's a girl through your blog! CONGRATS! i think it will make randy jealous.

The Johnson's said...

congratulations on your girl! Um, Phyl comes to Phoenix every week and doesn't call? Um, whatever lol! glad your baby is healthy. Ethan will like having a baby sister. I hated being pregnant in the summer. Hope it's not too bad.

Jd & Katie said...