Sunday, May 25, 2008

3 Kids

So I couple of months ago we found out that we are having another child, Due November 4th. This gives me total anxiety because in a few weeks my baby boy will turn 5 years old. Having a new infant in the family is a little over whelming!!! I just got rid of all the sippy cups and baby toys and now we will start all over. Don't get me wrong we are way excited but it is definately an anxiety builder. Hannah says that it is going to be a girl and Ethan says that it is going to be a boy. We joke with them that at least one of them will win. Phyl on the other hand teases me that we are going to have twins. We are pretty sure that is not happening but he likes to tease. I get to go for my ultrasound in a few weeks to see if Hannah or Ethan is right. I have a feeling that Hannah is going to win but Phyl is really set on another boy. Anyway we will let you know after the ultrasound.


The Johnson's said...

Um, I think Phyl is right! He He :)

Jd & Katie said...

Congrats!! That is exciting... Hope you are doing well